Insulating coatings with ceramic toughness and elastomeric sustainability. Look better longer. Stay cooler and safer. Save cash and the earth in the bargain.

ASTEC Ceramic Technology
Proprietary ceramic formulations enhance key properties of elastomeric coatings for strength, UV deterioration, heat resistance, abrasion resistance, and longevity.

ASTEC Ceramic Technology
Proprietary ceramic formulations enhance key properties of elastomeric coatings for strength, UV deterioration, heat resistance, abrasion resistance, and longevity.
A solar shield
Ultraviolet reflectance and infrared emmisivity, well beyond DOE guidelines, make ASTEC Industrial Coatings a top choice wherever exterior solar degradation or heat gain are perpetual problems. Experience reduced temperatures of 50°F or more on surfaces, as well as cooler interior contents and spaces.

A solar shield
Ultraviolet reflectance and infrared emmisivity, well beyond DOE guidelines, make ASTEC Industrial Coatings a top choice wherever exterior solar degradation or heat gain are perpetual problems. Experience reduced temperatures of 50°F or more on surfaces, as well as cooler interior contents and spaces.

A corrosion barrier
ASTEC elastomeric coatings are highly resistant to ocean salt spray, acid rain, and other airborne contaminants.

A corrosion barrier
ASTEC elastomeric coatings are highly resistant to ocean salt spray, acid rain, and other airborne contaminants.
All-climate stability
Once cured, an ASTEC surface retains its flexible, watertight superiority in extremes of heat or cold; dry or wet conditions.

All-climate stability
Once cured, an ASTEC surface retains its flexible, watertight superiority in extremes of heat or cold; dry or wet conditions.

Reduces thermal shock damage
ASTEC elastomeric coatings stretch to minimize the effects of varying co-efficients of expansion that cause damaging shifts, cracking, and loosening conditions.

Reduces thermal shock damage
ASTEC elastomeric coatings stretch to minimize the effects of varying co-efficients of expansion that cause damaging shifts, cracking, and loosening conditions.
Seamless wind and weather protection
Properly prepared walls can be better sustained with the seamless wind and weather protection of ASTEC coatings.

Seamless wind and weather protection
Properly prepared walls can be better sustained with the seamless wind and weather protection of ASTEC coatings.

Ceramic abrasion resistance
Wind blown sand and grit are shut out by seamless ASTEC coatings. Tough ceramic impregnation fights surface erosion.

Ceramic abrasion resistance
Wind blown sand and grit are shut out by seamless ASTEC coatings. Tough ceramic impregnation fights surface erosion.
Thermal resistance
ASTEC Ceramic Industrial Coatings offer tough, durable, heat and combustion protection. Class A fire-rated over non-combustible surfaces.

Thermal resistance
ASTEC Ceramic Industrial Coatings offer tough, durable, heat and combustion protection. Class A fire-rated over non-combustible surfaces.

Green building benefits
ASTEC Industrial Coatings are earth-friendly from manufacturing and restorative application through decades of sustainable, easy-care, low-maintenance, and energy saving service.

Green building benefits
ASTEC Industrial Coatings are earth-friendly from manufacturing and restorative application through decades of sustainable, easy-care, low-maintenance, and energy saving service.
ISO Registered manufacturing in the USA
We are committed to, and recognized for, the consistency of quality and performance from more than twenty-five years of industry-leading products and services.

ISO Registered manufacturing in the USA
We are committed to, and recognized for, the consistency of quality and performance from more than twenty-five years of industry-leading products and services.

The ASTEC® 10-Year Product Warranty
Superior coatings, applied by independent ASTEC Authorized Contractors, give us the confidence to offer 10-Year product warranties for qualifying applications.

The ASTEC® 10-Year Product Warranty
Superior coatings, applied by independent ASTEC Authorized Contractors, give us the confidence to offer 10-Year product warranties for qualifying applications.